*Pricing for specific CSA Vegetable Shares and Special Add-ons are listed here.
Your Scheduled Payment Plan
Based on the specific CSA shares that you sign up for, the total dollar amount due will be divided into five payments, with the first payment due at the time of sign up (within 10 days if sending a check). Four equal payments will be due monthly, March through June, or 4 months after your initial signup*.
Example: For a Small CSA Vegetable Share that has a cost of $34/week, the first payment will be $149.60. Five more payments of $149.60 will then be due on the first of the month, beginning in March or the month following your signup.
*All final summer/fall CSA payments are due by October 1st.
Accepted Forms of Payment
We have automatically recurring payments, via e-check or credit card, so you can easily schedule your monthly share payments. E-check is the farmer-preferred method of payment, due to a lower transaction fee in comparison to credit card payments.
We also accept check payments, mailed directly or through your online banking, as well as post-dated checks for monthly payment plans.
Specific payment amounts for your share will depend on the share size and any special add-on shares selected. Full payment details will be included in your membership confirmation email.

For all current CSA Members, please use the link above to login to your personal Member Account,
to do the following:
Make a payment
Schedule a pick-up hold
Schedule a pickup location change
Sign up for special add-on shares
Order from our online store
Change your contact into
Update your payment details
Member Agreement
By becoming a CSA Member, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions:
Share Payment
I agree to be the primary member for my share. As primary member, I am solely responsible for CSA share payment, and all sales are final. I understand that the initial deposit(s) is non-refundable, except in emergency ($30 handling fee is retained). I also understand that if I cannot continue my share in the harvest season (June-November), I will not be refunded the share price and/or share payments. However, at it's discretion, the farm may choose to issue a refund for shares cancelled prior to the start of the season, if a replacement can be found for the share.
Full payment is required by July 1st of the CSA pick-up season, unless special arrangements have been made for late signups, or financial difficulty. Payments can be made in installments from the time of signup until July 1. Extended payment plans may be set up for late signups, in which case full payment must be made by October 1. If a CSA share is not paid in full by the stated deadline, the farm may withhold distribution/ delivery of share until full payment is made (any payments returned by the bank for insufficient funds will be subject to a $30 fee).
Share Pick-up and Scheduling
My household, any secondary members, and I are solely responsible for pick-up of shares during the distribution hours at my pick-up location. I am responsible for scheduling share holds and/or pick-up day switches, for vacations or other missed pick-ups, at least 48 hours prior to pick-up day. It is the member’s responsibility to login to their account to make these changes at least 48 hours prior to pick-up day, or to email the farmer at least 48 hours prior to pick-up day.
Missed Shares
Missed shares may or may not be held by delivery sites, based on the capabilities of each particular site. It is the member’s responsibility to contact the site host the day of share pick-up or the next morning, to arrange for pick-up of missed shares. Missed on-farm pick-ups may be made up later in the week at the farm, if arrangements are made with the farm via phone call, text message, or email.
Missed pick-ups may be counted towards a vacation hold. Every membership is allotted three vacation holds and corresponding double pick-ups to be used during the season. Vacation holds/double pick-ups do not carry over to the following season if they are not used. Any vegetables or extra shares not picked-up and/or claimed during distribution hours may be donated to a local food bank, or other charity. Any "Special Add-on Shares" at on-farm pickup will be held for up to one week by the farm.
I understand that important communications from the farm will be delivered via email and that opening these emails is my responsibility. The farm sends weekly harvest updates, as well as pick-up reminders on pick-up day, by email. The farm agrees to respond to email and phone communications within five days of receipt. The farm agrees to alert all members via email at least one week prior to the start of CSA pick-ups.

Open Farm Hours
For CSA share pick-up, the UPick Garden, and events at the farm, I agree to respect the farm property and take care to follow UPicking guidelines. I will supervise my children while at the farm. I agree to keep all pets on a leash. I will strive to maintain the quality of the fields, so that all can enjoy the farm events, pick-ups, and UPick experience. For delivery sites, I agree to be mindful of the host site, and treat it with courtesy and respect, maintaining cleanliness and quiet.
Sharing Rewards and Risks
I recognize that due to the inherent risks of farming, there are no guarantees on the exact amount or type of produce I will receive. I am willing to share the risks and reap the benefits along with the farmers. If the year is especially abundant, the farm may provide product of exceptional quality and size, larger amounts of storage vegetables, and/or the opportunity to pick excess produce from the UPick garden. If the year is a difficult one with intense pest, disease, and weather pressures, the farm may provide fewer items or items of lesser quality. If the farm experiences an extreme natural disaster, such as a flood or tornado, the farm may suspend or stop CSA share distribution for all or part of that season.
Farm diversity helps to insure against crop failure. The farmers plant over forty different crops and at least twice that many varieties, and most crops are planted in succession throughout their growing season. Every season is different because of temperatures, weather conditions, etc. and certain crops will thrive in a given year, while others do less well under the particular conditions.
Contents of the CSA share will vary throughout the season, and from year to year. In general, the good seasons far outweigh the bad, and members have the opportunity to share in the abundance of the farm. Some members want more items for canning or freezing. For those who do want more, the farm may provide bulk product or seconds at discount rates, when available. Availability and current discount pricing will be announced in the member e-newsletter.
The farmers truly appreciate the commitment members are making to join the farm, to nourish themselves and their families, and to connect directly to their food source. The farmers agree to do everything in their power to provide the members with an abundant and diverse supply of high quality produce weekly throughout the growing season.
Privacy & Security
We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. We may collect personally identifiable information when you visit our site. We also automatically receive and record information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, cookie information and the page(s) you visited. We will not sell your personally identifiable information to anyone.
We use email as our primary mean of communication with members. We will never sell your email address. We also do our best to not overload your inbox. We send only 1-2 emails per week during the season, as well as periodic updates during the winter months, and especially during sign-up periods.
Your payment and personal information is always safe. Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read over the internet.
E-check payment information is stored on a secure server, and is encrypted for safety.
Call 484-262-0675 or email us for more information on our CSA Membership.